
- Scott Sigler
- Vein Armor - Greg Crites
- Best Radio You've Never Heard
- SteamPod
- EscapePod
- PodCastle
- PseudoPod
- Stranger Things.TV
- Darker Projects
- Phil Rossi's Crescent Station
- Phil Rossi
- Fetidus - James Durham
- Koru Studios - Phillipa Ballantine
- Variant Frequencies
- The Leviathan Chronicles
- Tee Morris
- Jim Butcher
- Matt Wallace
- PG Holyfield
- Metamor City
- The Dreamer's Thread
- Down From Ten
- Matt Selznik
- Drabblecast
- Geologic Podcast
- Aliens You Will Meet
- The Murverse - Mur Lafferty
- JC Hutchins
- Brain Damage - The Definitive Pink Floyd Radio Show
- Keith and the Girl
- The Gearheart
- Seth Harwood
- Richard K Morgan
- - comics
- - more comics
- King - even more comics
- Swamp
- The 30-Second Bunnies Theatre Library
- Gossip
- Funny Photos . net. au
- Weird Picture Archive
- Bit Of Fun
- 10 Steps
- Geekologie
- Random Good Stuff
- Do While
- Guzer
- Crazy Bee
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- Wahoha
- Damn LOL
- Chillout Point
- DailyFun
- 10 Times One
- Great Funny Pics
- LOLCats
- I Can Has Cheezburger
- Oddee
- Horse Head Huffer
- Gloucester Advocate
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- Popular Science
- Science News
- RAAF News
Gloucester & the Barrington Tops
- Gloucester Visitor Information
- Community
- Gloucester Coal
- Wikipedia entries
- Total
- Barrington Tops
- Barrington Outdoor Adventure Centre
- National Parks & Wildlife
Pay TV:
- Foxtel Digital homepage
- Foxtel Digital Guide
- TV1
- Fox8
- Fox Sports
- SciFi Channel
- The History Channel
- Discovery Channel
- National Geographic
Radio & Music
- Sanity
- Amazon UK
- IPod
- ILounge - ipod news
- IPod hacks - news, hacks,tips & tricks
- The Gallery of Misheard Lyrics
- PDC Darts
- Australian Rugby Union
- Rugby Heaven
- ASRU - Australian Services Rugby Union
- Air Force Rugby
- ABC Sport - Cricket
- SuperBRU tipping
- NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day
- NASA Earth Observatory
- Modis satellites
- Hubble telescope
- Terraserver
- Google earth
- Space & Astronomy online store
- Meteor calendar
- Starry Night
- Sky Eye
- Australian Geographic
- Google - Australia
- ADF Photo gallery
- White pages
- Yellow pages
- Australian Museum
- Public Service Jobs
- Earth Calendar
- Time and
- Hunter Valley Backyard Nature
- Merrylands Library
- Merrylands RSL
- Instructables
- JBProjects
- Weekend Notes
- Roti House Restaurant - Canberra
- Skewered - Leichhardt
- Mamak Restaurant - Chinatown
- Digital Pacific
- Optus Home
- Optus Webmail
- BigPond
- Club Epson
- Amiga Forever
- Gibson Research - computer security
- Microsoft Windows
- Simple Annoyances
- Eternal September news
- Linux Forums
- Web color chart
- Lemon Amiga
- Intelligence test part 1.(I've worked out all 33 of these)
- Intelligence test part 2.(I've worked out 21 of 24 so far)
- Intelligence test part 3.(I've worked out 14 of 20 so far)
- Intelligence test part 4.(I've worked out 15 of 18 so far)
- Intelligence test part 5.(I've worked out 19 of 20 so far)
- Intelligence test answers page.
- The Daily Sudoku
- Logic Games online - Nurikabe
- Bridges
- Nonograms
- Nurikabe
- Puzzle Club
- Civilization IV - official site
- Civilization III - official site
- Civ Fanatics - all versions of Civilization
- Apolyton Civilization Site - all versions of Civilization
- Angband -
- Angband @
- The Annotated Pratchett File
- L-Space Web
- Discworld MUD
- Ankh-Morpork map
- Discworld Monthly
- Australian Discworld Convention
- Wheel of Time
- AntipodeanSF
- Quantum Muse
- Heavy Metal magazine
- Peter Hamilton official site
- Raymond E. Feist offical site
To be sorted...
- Digital Print Australia
- That dingo stole my 6 pack
- Slow cooker, less than 4 ingredients
- Slow cooker desserts
- Flight Radar 24
- Tatts
- Optus speedtest
- Seabreeze weather
- CASR regs
- 3 Sqn Association
- Fighter Services Branch - RAAF - NSW
- ADF gallery
- lake scan scanning
- Live ATC
- Scanning
- Newcastle scanning
- Wiiliamtown Freq's
- Sanning NSW
- Scanning
- Aviation Scanning
- Scanning
- Scanning NSW UHF
- Extremescan
- DPS - Sending sequences from LR to PS
- Spitpolished
- Flagpatch shop
- US Military Patch
- Thinkgeek
- Chef in Training
- Art and Framing
- Crockpot 365
- Eat at home cooks
- Aeromodz
- TPE - new version
- Night photography
- Timelapse+
- Hugin
- Lens Pimp - lens hire
- video on youtube
- AE tutorial
- Mick Bergsma on youtube
- Snake River Prototyping
- Inspirational photo's
- DPS - female poses
- Nat Geo DNA testing
- Sandgate Cemetery
- NSW Land and Property
- DexterBritain
- ISS finder
- RA Infidel
- Defence Gifts
- Browncoats - Independence
- Print to Metal
- Roadkill T-shirts
- Epson online shop
- Sydney Tallships
- Red Balloon
- Booktopia
- Aviation Museum
- Contact Publishing