
Dive Log

Dive: 099

Date: 20May99

Location: Fly Point, Nelson Bay, NSW

Buddy: Solo

Time in: 1258

Dive time: 45 min

Vis': 5 m

Bottom Temp': 21.2° C

Max' Depth: 9.7 m

Surface swam out towards east point then came back at 10 - 6m. Sandy bottom with plenty of sponges, and a couple of trees.
10 pipefish, 2 sea-horses, 2 wobby's, turtle. Nudi's - VD's, Bennetts, purple and orange spots, BMG, Blue dragons; black featherduster worms, sea pens, featherstars.
Photo's - turtle, black featherdusters, coral, sea pens, sea horses, ipefish, bottle, ascidian with LJ, grubfish, saddled puffer.
Great dive - not enough film, not enough air!
Fly Point dive #22, shore dive #59, solo dive #24.

Total dive time: 67:48
