
Dive Log

Dive: 129

Date: 22Dec99

Location: Fly Point, Nelson Bay, NSW

Buddy: Grunta

Time in: 0831

Dive time: 57 min

Vis': 15 - 20 m

Bottom Temp': 20.1° C

Max' Depth: 12.9 m

Good dive. Gave Grunta a guided tour of Fly Point. 1st went to soft coral garden, then continued east about 30m before turning back. Went along 12m ledge, then returned along 6m ledge.
Found a 15cm sea hare right at the beginning of dive, Saw pipefish and 2 sea horses among soft coral.2 PJ's (heard later at the shop that another group of divers saw one laying an eggcase). Saw an occie crawling around. Blueys, ssd, lionfish. 2 new nudi's, olive flat worm. Heaps of bennetts, daphnes, variables, collingwoods, splendids, sweets, bmg's, nad various egg masses.
All this I didn't take the camera!.
Fly Point dive #39, shore dive #83.

Total dive time: 93:32

