
Dive Log

Dive: 141

Date: 2Mar01

Location: Fly Point, Nelson Bay, NSW

Buddy: Solo

Time in: 1352

Dive time: 67 min

Vis': 10 m

Bottom Temp': 22.7° C

Max' Depth: 12.5 m

Good dive, viz good but dirty. Followed 12m ledge round to the left, back along 6m right the way around to 1st tree, then 4m back to exit.
Heaps of fish, bream, 9 flathead, short-fin eel, estuary catfish, wobby, blind sharks, pineapple fish, sr cod, pike, ssd, dusky bff, unknown juvenile wrasse, unknown wrasse, large sea hare, occie, banded coral shrimp, red sea star, heaps of nudi's, stingarees, LJ's.
Fly Point dive #49, shore dive #95, solo dive #58.

Total dive time: 104:44
