Dive Log
Dive: 146
Date: 6Nov01
Location: Halifax, Nelson Bay, NSW
Buddy: Solo
Time in: 1230
Dive time: 47 min
Vis': 5 m
Bottom Temp': 20.0° C
Max' Depth: 21.2 m
Good dive. Entered from Little Beach, went out to 20m and around. Probably only went about 50m round; found an overhang/cave and checked that out before going up to 10 - 5m for last 25 min. Saw a few BMG's and lots of conspicuous polyceras. Around cave area were schools of bullseyes, stripeys and old wives. Couple of big blueys and several smaller ones. 3 wobby's, morays, pack of at least a dozen ssd's, bream, snapper, pike cbw, cw, mw, blue and green moon w, beardy, wirrah, sr cod, sgt bakers, etc
Water still dirty but only a few comb jellies above 12m,
Halifax dive #18, shore dive #100, solo dive #63.
Total dive time: 109:26